Being open about your mental health journey can SUCK sometimes… I am so grateful for the overwhelming support I have received since I started sharing my journey – most of you have been so uplifting and kind. However, there are the select few that will make you feel inadequate, unworthy, unable… You get the point.

Before we dig in, let me introduce myself…

Hi, I’m Molly – working mama, fire wife, and PTSD survivor. Because of His grace and abundance, I lived through my lowest times. In 2020, I was a victim of abuse that caused me a great deal of trauma. I lived a while in denial of my experience – trying to suppress it and my feelings toward it. Fast forward to 2023, I went through a mental health crisis – struggling to find my will to live. I found myself in the hospital which then began my journey of lots of therapy and medication. A year later, I have found my joy. I now share my journey and tips in hopes of helping other women feel less alone and more supported in their adversities.

Now that we have met…

I recently encountered my first negative experience with sharing my mental health journey. Now that I am back to feeling my best self, I am back to enjoying my hobbies. One of my hobbies is content creation – it is quite therapeutic for me. Well, I found myself wanting to share some of my creations with others to better help them – why not? My goal in life is to serve others and share what I find helpful with them..

About those “doubters”

When sharing said products, I received quite a lengthy message. It mostly consisted of being questioned regarding my mental health… Don’t get me wrong – I’m sure my doubter meant well, but it still hurt. Here I was – my most confident, joyful self – being doubted in my ability. Let me clarify.. this wasn’t a family member or close friend checking on me. That may have been received differently. This was someone I was offering my content to that I hardly know. In a place of servitude, I found myself in a mindset of defeat. I was proud of my product and abilities post-crisis; I was finding joy in sharing that with others. Why would someone bring up my struggles as a flaw or example of inadequacy?

Here’s why it bothered me…

I have worked hard to get to the mindset I am in today. I share my journey as a way to relate to others and help them feel supported. In my mental health journey, I felt so alone. I didn’t have anyone to relate to in my experience. However, I don’t share my journey to feel like a victim to my experience. When my mental health was used as an example of me being unable, it felt as if that hard work didn’t matter.. In that moment, my doubter took that confidence and pride I worked so hard for. It made me question my ability and peace of mind. For a split second, I lost the empowerment I feel when sharing my journey.

Let me remind you (& myself)

You can do hard things! God created you to fulfill a purpose. There will be adversities that you have to overcome. Those struggles are not flaws. They don’t define you and your abilities. They are what make you the person you are today. Stand tall in your faithfulness and ability to overcome. Don’t let your doubters take your confidence and joy. Your fulfillment doesn’t come from them – it comes from Him. People will judge and question you. They will see you as unfit or unable. They will use your journey as an example of inadequacy. But, remember this…

"And have mercy on those who doubt." Jude 1:22
"But let him ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like a surging sea, driven and tossed by the wind." James 1:6

There will be doubters in your life. Meet them with compassion and understanding – they may be unable to see the work God has done in your life. They may be easily swayed – lacking a firm foundation of the truth. Lean on God’s faithfulness and power – He has shown it to you repeatedly. Pray for those that lack understanding and share His goodness. With His guidance, you have and will continue to accomplish great things.


Molly Johnson

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