Hey, friends! Today, I wanted to talk about something that can be super challenging to navigate – dealing with panic attacks at work. Imagine this: You are in a public place that you call home for roughly 32-40 hours a week, surrounded by several people that you know fairly well. You are trying to be productive, make an income for your family, and simply just get through your day. Whilst trying your best to help others, do your job, and support your family, you get THE symptoms – racing heart, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, sweatiness, and maybe even that familiar feeling of impending doom. What can you do to simply get through it? Keep reading below for 5 steps to hopefully get you through your day.

Step One – Find a quiet space.

If you are able, step away from your workspace for a few minutes. Find a quiet area to have some privacy. Some places can include the bathroom, outside, your car, a supply closet, your office, etc. It can be so much easier to manage your symptoms without the feeling of all eyes being on you.

Step Two – Practice deep breathing.

Make sure to take slow, deep breaks to calm your body and mind. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this as many times as you need until you feel more relaxed. One of my favorite breathing exercises is 4-7-8 Breathing and it is done as follows: Find a comfortable place to sit or stand with your back straight. While slowly counting to 4, close your lips and inhale through your nose. While counting slowly in your head to 7, hold your breath. Finally, exhale completely through your mouth (making a whoosh sound) for 8 seconds. Complete those steps for 2-3 more rounds. I highly recommend practicing this a couple of times a day at home to be more familiar with the strategy when a panic attack arises.

Step Three – Use grounding techniques.

Grounding techniques can be beneficial for bringing your focus back to the present moment. When grounding, try focusing on your five senses.. Close your eyes and see the dark that simply exists. Focus on what you hear around you – the wind blowing through the trees, coworkers walking in the hall, the quiet of your office. What can you feel? Are your shoulders tense? Is your face relaxed? Are your hands clenched? Become aware of your body from head to toe – relaxing each muscle. What do you smell? Maybe you smell a sweet fragrance in the office. Maybe you smell the dirt outside. Finally, can you taste anything – the gum in your mouth or the coffee lingering from the morning? Go through each sense – analyzing your body and becoming aware of life within and around you.

Step Four – Reach out for support.

During the midst of a panic attack or even after the dust settles, it can be helpful to let a trusted coworker or supervisor know what you are going through. They may be able to support you or even find a quiet space to take a break. It is so much easier to get through hard times when you can lean on others!

Step Five – Consider professional help.

If you constantly find yourself having panic attacks at work, I highly recommend seeking support from a mental health professional. Most times, you can even call your insurance to see what providers around you are supported and recommended! Mental health professionals can provide you with strategies and coping mechanisms tailored to your specific needs.

Final Thoughts

Remember, everyone’s experience with panic attacks varies and is unique to them. This means that it is vital to find what works best for you! Take some time at home to practice different breathing exercises, coping strategies, grounding techniques, and more to see what feels best for you. Most importantly, take care of yourself and prioritize your well-being. Comment below what you find most helpful during a panic attack!

xoxo – Molly Johnson